It's actually playable now

A brand-new achievement screen so you can track your progress and how many ways you've been murdered yet. Improved visuals for the main menu and some scenes. Save names now indicate the run number and in-game time so you can backtrack more easily. Re-implemented rollback to allow it inside a day.

So many fixes I'm embarrassed about it... All run endings are now reachable, so you can actually finish the game. Saving is also fixed.

Files Play in browser
Feb 28, 2024 66 MB
Feb 28, 2024 72 MB
Feb 28, 2024

Get The Seven Labours of Researcher Rozenn


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Do i have to do them all in the same week?

Not at all! It's actually impossible, I think the most you can do in a single week is 3, and some can only be done if you dedicate the whole run to them. The achievement screen should let you keep track of which prophecies you have fulfilled, so you can decide what to focus on in your following runs :)
(You also don't have to do them in order)